Part 1

Embarking from Dover, United Kingdom

Our trip commenced as the sun rose over Oxfordshire and we packed the final items into the camper van ready for our adventure ahead. Joining me on this road trip is my partner Anthony, who is helping me to document this project. It was a 3hr journey to Dover, where our ferry into Calais, France awaited us.

Ferry to France 001White Cliffs of Dover 001

After crossing the English Channel and driving through northern France into Belgium, I was surprised by how rural and agricultural the landscape was. This was evident by the colourful countryside of yellow, green and brown blended fields. Each field rolled into the other, with tractors working hard on the land and farm animals peacefully lazing in the sun. The green and brown fields gradually turned into dense forestry as we approached a small Belgium town called St. Hubert, a quaint town where we decided to park up for the night before continuing our journey to Strasbourg, France the following day.

Fields of Northern FranceMeadow in Belgium


The start of our journey...

Part 2: Strasbourg, France